Building sustainable infrastructure for scholarly communities

Best practices for empowering research with collaboration in the TEI and MEI context using XGarage

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Peter Stadler and Anne Ferger | Paderborn University


How can the infrastructure of TEIGarage and MEIGarage (formerly OxGarage) best be sustained?

Challenges and practices of sustaining TEIGarage & MEIGarage

  • MEIGarage & TEIGarage (formerly OxGarage)
  • Sustainability of Software and Infrastructure
  • Deployment, Virtualisation and Containerisation
  • Best practices for sustainable infrastructure

MEIGarage & TEIGarage (formerly OxGarage)


OxGarage is a webservice and framework to manage transformations and validations between a variety of text formats and can be used via an online interface or by calling the API (Application Programming Interface). Its plugin setup allows for integration of further transformations of different file formats. The code base of OxGarage is over 10 years old.

OxGarage on the way to TEIGarage and MEIGarage

In 2018 in an TEI effort of containerization of services a Dockerization of the software took place. In 2019 work commenced on a MEI-specific OxGarage, referred to as MEIGarage. Around 2022 after structural work on the codebase the TEI OxGarage acquired the new name TEIGarage.

Usage of TEIGarage

Examples of tools using TEIGarage

Recent structural work on the codebase

  • extracted different parts/modules to their own git repositories while keeping the (git) history of only those parts
  • storing artifacts (jars) of the modules in GitHub Packages directly
  • allowing for collaboration on common elements and keeping configuration and specific functionality separate

➞ facilitated development on specific parts only

Elements of the Garages

Finding out more about the software:

Sustainability of Software and Infrastructure

Software vs. Infrastructure

  • Central deployment and Garage framework as a technical form of infrastructure
  • Software as the basis for deployment and infrastructure

Aspects of Sustainability

  • Triple bottom line:
    • Social sustainability
    • Economic sustainability
    • Ecological sustainability
  • Technical sustainability

Social sustainability

Benefit to research communities

Economic sustainability: Funding and costs

Long-term Funding and costs

Ecological sustainability: Ecological impact of infrastructure

Ecological impact of infrastructure

See the AG Greening DH for recent work on this in the Digital Humanities

we try to avoid superfluous builds and deployments

Technical sustainability

Sustaining and maintaining infrastructure long-term

See measures for a sustainable codebase in these slides

Deployment, Virtualisation and Containerisation

Virtualisation and Containerisation

  • Building using Docker, Dockerfiles, Dockerimages
  • Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment using GitHub Actions
  • Cluster for Deployment of Docker images using Kubernetes

Advantages of a central deployment

  • reproducible research (e.g. concerning versions of guidelines and stylesheets)
  • low-threshold interface
  • permanent API endpoint

Costs of a central deployment

  • Hardware (Servers)
  • Basic Software Infrastructure for container orchestration and virtualisation
  • Maintainers

(Best) practices for sustainable infrastructure

MEIGarage and TEIGarage in practice

MEIGarage and TEIGarage in practice

Sharing of knowledge, workload and responsibility

TEI Infrastructure Group as an example for collaborating on infrastructure


Potential for further automation: DNS setup

Monitoring of infrastructure

  • Different because of different server setup
  • Also important for generating statistics

Server setup

  • Different servers but same building and deployment process
  • persistent logs: also important for generating statistics

Collaboration with community

  • Feature requests
  • statistics on usage


  • Anzt, H. et al. (2021) ‘An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: current state, open challenges, and call for action’. F1000Research. Available at:
  • Baillot, Anne et al.: „Digital Humanities and the Climate Crisis. A Manifesto“, Foregrounding the Climate Crisis Within Digital Humanities Work, (accessed 24.04.2023).
  • Burnard, L. (2013) ‘The Evolution of the Text Encoding Initiative: From Research Project to Research Infrastructure’, Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative [Preprint], (Issue 5). Available at:
  • Hasselbring, W. et al. (2020) ‘From FAIR research data toward FAIR and open research software’, it - Information Technology, 62(1), pp. 39–47. Available at:
  • Hong, N.P.C. et al. (2022) FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles). Available at:
  • Penzenstadler, B. (2013) ‘Towards a definition of sustainability in and for software engineering’, in Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery (SAC ’13), pp. 1183–1185. Available at:
  • Stadler, Peter, Ferger, Anne and Röwenstrunk, Daniel (2022) ‘From OxGarage to TEIGarage and MEIGarage’. Available at:
  • Sverdrup, H. and Svensson, M.G.E. (2005) ‘Defining the Concept of Sustainability - a Matter of Systems Thinking and Applied Systems Analysis’, in M.-O. Olsson and G. Sjöstedt (eds) Systems Approaches and Their Application: Examples from Sweden. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, pp. 143–164. Available at:
  • Venters, C. C. et al. (2014) ‘Software Sustainability: The Modern Tower of Babel’, RE4SuSy: Third International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems. Edited by B. Penzenstadler, M. Mahaux, and C. Salinesi. CEUR. Available at:


Anne Ferger

Filing Issues for MEIGarage

Filing Issues for TEIGarage